Friday, March 2, 2012

Content Marketing: Backing Up Theory With Facts

Brafton's Infographic: Why Content for SEO? The phrase "content marketing" gets tossed around a lot these days, but there are still a few groups who haven't fully realized the value of good branded content. Yes, the term may be a little overused and sound a bit too buzz-wordish, but that doesn't mean it's just another passing fad.

I'm a firm believer in the importance of content marketing  no matter what industry you're in  but I'm also much happier when there are facts to support the theory. Brafton has put together a great infographic (shown on the right) that illustrates some of these facts. If you want to see a larger version, just click on the image and you'll be redirected to Brafton's web site.

Here are some key figures from the infographic that really caught my eye:

  • 61% of consumers are more likely to purchase goods from businesses that offer custom content. Just think what a difference that would make to your conversion rates.
  • 60% of business decision makers say branded content helps them make better product decisions.
  • 27 million pieces of online content are shared each day.
  • 60% of content-sharing messages specific to an industry mention a brand or product by name.
What do you think of these statistics? 

Maybe this is a more interesting question: What are the primary barriers that may be holding businesses back from investing more money in a content marketing strategy?

Infographic Source: Why Content for SEO?

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting, thanks for sharing Michele. I love those stats you point out. 27 million pieces of online content shared a day - Wow! Talk about making it abundantly clear we all need to be able to source and filter - As it stands so many just can't see the wood for the trees.
