Friday, February 24, 2012

Imagination at Work: An Awesome Video Infographic From GE

It’s hard to go anywhere on the Internet these days without seeing some reference to infographics. However, more and more people are turning to video infographics as a means to communicate a lot of great information in a very short time frame.

As an added bonus, videos can be easily embedded onto any site -- whether it be a blog, social media stream, or regular web page. On the other hand, the sprawling nature of infographics requires a great deal more work when you are trying to incorporate them into your online presence.

Here is a great example of a video infographic from GE. If you've seen any others that you love, drop us a note in the comments.


  1. This is more of an interactive infographic with video mixed in, still pretty cool though:

    And I don't know if YouTube's One Hour per Second is old news but I saw it for the first time yesterday:

    Great post, video infographics don't get enough recognition!

  2. I totally agree with Yvonne and think video infographics, or infovideos, are underrated! I love infographics too, but sometimes they are so big and that it's a pain scrolling up and down the page.

  3. These kinds of infographics are very hard to do, I admire any company that has the resources to pull something like this together because they are truly effective.

    Anyone know what kind of software they use? I come from the digital mapping space, so it has to be something that leverages database-driven technology. Each of those dots has to have a record in a database behind it, so it knows how to thematically shade them. Then that kind of video effect has to be a fancy "graph" object if you will. I'd be very curious to know what they used!
