Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Saints, Bounty Gate and Your Content Marketing Philosophy

The phrase on everyone’s lips right now is Bounty Gate...

I won't discuss the case here -- it isn't the place -- but I do have a topical point of interest to make, because the power of media and the part content marketing plays in your reputation relates massively to what has been transpiring in the New Orleans Saints' locker room in recent years.

Every social network, media outlet and discussion forum is abuzz with vastly differing opinions being aired, voiced, and deliberated. It’s a heck of a pickle and it reaches into the very soul of human integrity. It is such a huge issue of intent and misdirection from top to bottom of an organization.

But wait, Content That Rocks… this is a blog about content marketing right?


Stick with me on this…

When you think about the basic principles here -- and nothing is really this simple in the National Football League -- in a microcosm, should anybody, EVER play the game of football with the primary intent of hurting an opponent to the point where he could be permanently injured, and get rewarded for doing it? Wow, what values do you have? What type of integrity do you hold dear? In so many ways the same holds true in what you publish or read online -- especially when you are a trusted brand, product or service provider with a legacy to establish and preserve.

This is where we hopefully meet.

You see any organization, from the top brass of an NFL franchise to the home retailer trying to justify a scalable business opportunity needs to be VERY careful when delivering media, mission and messaging. It is so easy to get caught up in what will bring about a competitive advantage that ultimately results in ROI. Underhanded tactics, embellishment of truth, distortion of fact might look great, read great, say all the right things to excite a crowd, but you have no substance. You certainly don't have any modicum of integrity that today's online readership demands. 

Just as the New Orleans Saints are finding out right now, the truth will come out, eventually, some way, somehow. When it does, your entire reputation will be shot. How can anybody ever trust you again?

From there, it’s not about putting asterisks on trophies, dishing out fines or suspensions. This is not the NFL, but just as players and coaches are supposed to abide by fair play policy within the spirit of competition, this is your livelihood, your business at stake. Internally and externally you can cause irreparable damage without a quality content marketing focus that speaks the universal truth and to the right people. With your employees, customers and partners in mind, think about who you are representing and targeting. When you speak untruths and endorse embellishment, you are opening yourself up to suicidal business practices.

It’s a cynical world, and tough to gain a vantage point over your competitors in the endless pursuit of reaching audience and capturing market share. A model organization acts in good faith, trusting the quality of its products and services. It does not even consider the need to misdirect or distort. To do so would bring into question the very reasons why you are in business at all. With integrity and honor, your products and services will stand up to anybody, and your content marketing won’t land you in your own little world of Bounty Gate anytime soon.

More fool the Saints! More fool you if you choose to ignore this very important lesson!


  1. What an interesting analogy Neil! If you don't have integrity, you have nothing. Most of us aren't going to be super-wealthy, so just live a good life you can look back on and be proud of. I want any company I work for or start to feel the same way.

  2. I must say the "BountyGate" is a large blemish to the NFL and what's worse it's now turned into investigating other NFL teams and possible bounties. What you write on your website or blog or how you initiate and run a social media campaign - if you don't appear trustworthy or offer real truths, you will fail when it comes to enticing and maintaining readers! Good piece Neil and does give us all something to think about with every word we write and every article we research!

  3. A great analogy as Kim says, and it really applies to the way we all conduct ourselves and our businesses. This is a pertinent message well presented.
